Non Compete at T- Mobile

Presently working as a Contractor at T-Mobile. I am getting offers for better rates with a different contract at T-Mobile. Can I make the shift. Is there anything preventing me from trying. Thanks

Microsoft BigTick May 16, 2020

Dude, leave T-Mobile. That place is junk. Contractors are treated like trash.

ZEN3 PMJob OP May 16, 2020

Compared to MS Contractor, they pay 30% more

Microsoft BigTick May 16, 2020

Well good luck then 😄

Yelp xzustdbdid May 16, 2020

Which state are you in ? Non compete is illegal in some states like CA.

ZEN3 PMJob OP May 17, 2020

WA State

Amazon el-perro Jun 1, 2020

I was in your shoes. I was a contractor at TMOBILE. And the client (TMobile) offered me a job. My boss (contractor company) threatened to fire me. I thought about it. If he fires me because the client wants to hire me, he would have to explain that to them. And he would lose the rest of the contracts. So I went for it. As you can see, I left TMobile too. I used the contracting role to get into Tmobile, and then I used TMobile to get into Amazon.

Costco pGEw53 Jun 14, 2020

Why did you leave T-Mobile?

Facebook sVbl30 Jun 4, 2020

The answer to this differs between each contracting company and t-mobile doesn’t have a specific rule. Each company will have a different contract with you and with T-Mobile saying if you can convert, switch teams etc. the general rule is that you can’t take the a position with a different contracting company if your job title remains the same. If you’re asking this on blind I’m assuming you haven’t talked to your manager about this and that should be your first step. Hiring managers will talk to your current manager and it won’t look good for you if your current manager had no idea you were looking.

Google primes Jun 9, 2020

Tc or gtfo ?