
Nvidia is just a company selling GPUs

Why are maniacs investing 700$ per share of a company selling GPUs I know they are all in high demand for the AI. But, what's wrong with you. They are not the ones doing the AI. They just sell GPUs.

NVIDIA f7jlkmW Feb 15

we are not selling gpus. we are selling ai infrastructure.

Amazon nyhY4u2F Feb 15

Your moat is CUDA adoption, make sure to hang on to that

NVIDIA f7jlkmW Feb 15

ik.. don’t think op knows what cuda is

Amazon Libresoul Feb 15

Because they sale GPUs and make money.

NVIDIA MrCoder Feb 15

Someone missed the train

Qualcomm MESI-MOSI Feb 15

Let’s see, how far back do you know. GPU -> difficult to program -> CUDA -> APIs optimized on on GPUs calling CUDA

Raytheon liww67 Feb 15

Sand cards OP

Stripe stripey Feb 15

would you be happier if they stock split 1:10 and each share cost $70? AWS are not the ones building all the software. They just sell cloud computing services

Amazon stevekerrr Feb 15

Salesforce Dka71ja Feb 15

There’s an AI war, and Nvidia is the only arms dealer.

Snap bug_fairy Feb 15

That's not true, Google is using tpus

Google jgman Feb 15

Investors don't care about tech, they care about increasing profits and revenue. High GPU demand is evident and Nvidia has the best large scale production. Stick to your index funds.

bssrhdsphs Feb 15

Because the people that made the most money in the gold rush weren’t the people chasing the gold. They were the ones that sold the shovels. Once you figure this out you’ll realize why Nvidia is who you want to bet on during the AI gold rush.

Amazon darth-poop Feb 15

That's actually a great comparison lol

bssrhdsphs Feb 15

Thanks. You’d think that more people would realize this, but I’m a sales guy that sells machines that make parts that ppl sell to OEMs who sell finished vehicles to the customer so what do I know, lol You can really use this frame of reference to stop yourself from making dumb investment decisions all the time. Any one of those AI companies can go bust at any time for any reason. The same was true of the early Internet days. Most young people have no clue what Netscape was. OpenAI could very well go down as a promising company that was ruined after Microsoft got involved in the same way that Fox is seen as the reason that we no longer talk about MySpace even though it still exists, lol