My (27M) fiancé (27F) and I started living together recently after 4yrs & it’s been harder to communicate during fights

We started dating in Nov 2019 and then lived together until Dec 2020 when I then gf (now fiancé) had to move to a different state for work. LDR was tough as we all know but we made it work and finally after 3 years of struggle to find a job, we finally closed the gap and are together in the same state and started living together. I knew it was going to be a learning curve, I knew there were going to be good days and bad days. And going into it, I was and still am prepared and ready to iron out the kinks so we can both live together happily. Things started off well, but we had a few bad arguments that turned into fights. My fiancé is living in some kind of a bubble where she thinks couples this young shouldn’t have bad fights, this phase we are in should be happy and merry at all the times. And fights and disagreements should only come later in the life (like 5-10 years into marriage). And so often during bad fights, she gives up thinking this is not working out and we would end up divorcing each other. This whole “giving up” narrative is infuriates me in an already heated up situation. I also don’t agree with this being the phase in which we can’t have disagreements or that just bc we are fighting now, we are bound to result in a divorce. I think it’s just a switch that turns off in her mind to think for the worst possible outcome for her and so she can loathe and live in resentment until we patch up. I’ve reflected on things that I do wrong that have led to some fights like: 1) criticizing her for something she said or did, mostly in a social setting. I’m a “think and then say/do” type of a person and my fiancé is a bit impulsive so it sometimes leads to mishaps that puts us both in awkward situations. I’ve criticized her for doing this a few times so now I think I’ve formed this habit of criticizing her after social gatherings. Since the last 2-3 weeks, I’ve actively reminded myself not to trigger her and suppressed what I had to say. 2) I don’t easily forgive and forget. I drag fights on longer than they should be. Partly because I see the same types of mistakes happening again and again, and partly because it’s something I may have advised her on and she still didn’t listen to it and then we find ourselves in a pickle. I’m going to work on these and also on my ego (covered next). Things that I think she does that leads to fights: 1) we are both well respected in our social circles, and people tend to listen to what we have to say. Dare I say, this has artificially boasted both our egos just because we found ourselves in the opportunistic position to share some wisdom/advice to help our friends. I’m very mindful that I’m a flawed individual when talking to others, but I think my fiancé is not. 2) if I bring up her flaw or an issue that in my opinion we need to address, she immediately projects on me and starts giving me examples of how I do the same thing. And then it always ends with her saying “fine I won’t do/say …… that ever”. This “giving up” and not finding another way to address the issue really frustrates me because I want her to fight thru the problem not drop it (yes I’ve communicated this with her). Yesterday I put on this brand new pajamas we bought and came out of the room with the sticker still dangling around. I knew about it, and I was just going for the scissors to cut it, but in front of everyone else she belittled me saying at least cut the sticker off. It was very hurtful and I felt ashamed, I let it go and didn’t throw a fit in front of anyone else. Then she does the same thing today morning when I was getting ready for work, but this time I snapped. Even this time I knew the stupid sticker had to be removed but her bringing it up like I’m a child bothers me a lot. I left after we had a heated argument about this, some back and forth where she told me “I do the exact same” and then “fine I won’t ever tell you how to dress”. On my way to work I get a text saying we should call it quits, we are fighting too much, we will end up divorcing each other, etc etc. This same situation has happened before too when I come out of shower and put the towel down on bedroom carpet, that I’m going to pick it up once I put on some clothes, but she would point it out right then and there and it just throws me off the way she says it. TL;DR: fiancé and I have been fighting frequently after moving in and finding it difficult to communicate without causing damage to our egos. I want to know whether this constant fighting is a learning/adjusting phase that will wear off? And I also want to know how can I bring up topics that I want to address in a manner that we can productively communicate and discuss on? Thank you #dating #relationships #marriage

Microsoft nyx_new_ph Mar 19

both seem immature. need extrenal help. get a coach or therapist. and rather than telling, ask and understand. applies to both. she's right about current situation, both your communication styles don't match.

Amazon TDen28 OP Mar 19

Good advice on asking and understanding instead of telling her. May make her feel like I’m bossing her around which I absolutely don’t intend to do. What do you mean by her being right about current situation? Right that giving up is the right thing to do?

Microsoft nyx_new_ph Mar 19

not giving up. right about "if this continues then it won't work out". but she's wrong to give up on you. you're asking for help which means you want to make this work and you'll fix it if you want it. rather than controlling the situation, understand the situation. be authentic, which means first being authentic with yourself. do you stop and think about why you feel the way you feel at these moments? why do you want to control the situation? it stems from something deep within your soul. but to make it short, it's a humans inability to just be okay. if you can tell yourself "it'll be okay no matter what", you'll do great. but right now you're not in that zone to tell yourself that. you worry if this happens then what would happen. if I lose my job what would happen. if I lose respect, what would happen. truth is nothing would happen no matter what happens. you can just sit back and enjoy. to reach this level of maturity should be your goal. from here, you can dictate the world like a god, but not cause you want it for your own desires, but just because you feel like it.

Microsoft SLYSTL Mar 19

If you think she is prematurely calling you out on an action that you were going to do, you can agree to a compromise that if the issue presents itself in an inconvenient or offensive manner that she has the right to call you out then. For eg, the towel issue - if she notices that the towel is down improperly even after a couple hours of your bath, she can call you out immediately the next time you drop it out of place. Or if the tag remains on a clothing when you are out of the house, she can call you out on it the next time you move around inside the house with the tag.

Google Kafka on🌊 Mar 19

Your arguments do sound small in nature, hence should be manageable in a long run. Things for you to consider: - why do you want to point out her flaws? Do they bother her? Do they decrease the quality of her life? Or do they annoy you? All options are valid, but are very different in nature. If it's you, who gets annoyed - maybe you need to think why. If it's her, who suffers from these flaws - think of a way to deliver your message nicely. - The tag thingy is so minor. What makes you feel ashamed? Do you think your friends will judge? That's a separate problem to solve. Do you think she could let you know in a different way? Ask her in private to do so next time. In general, if you feel confident, you won't feel ashamed. Joke it off with some light hearted humor, smile and say you liked the sticker more than pjs, so plan to keep it forever. - both of you have an inflated ego, which in the long run you'll learn how to tame. In a short run - each of you will have to decide if you're okay with minor trade-offs here and there: hug her when she calls it quits, give her a firm no and she'll learn to be the same way when you are at your lows. Relationship is a team partnership, not a battle that you're trying to win.

Google roastt Mar 19

"If you remember me, then I don't care if everyone else forgets." Check dms.

Microsoft nyx_new_ph Mar 20

@roastt That has nothing to do with this post. Let Kafka help others, their advice is invaluable. If Kafka wants to check DMs, Kafka will. No need to publicly comment like this.

JPMorgan Chase lkjgxi Mar 19

She sounds irritated by you, maybe she wants out and that’s her way to communicate it

fufkh6547) Mar 19

Let me share my experience. 32F here. I had similar issues like you, dare I say, I was in the exact same situation as you are right now three years back. They were small, petty, workable blah blah issues back then. Was too scared to call it quits since family was involved. Three years later, the issues are still unresolved and the fights are 100x more intense. Divorce is still not an option because “family” won’t let us. But I wish we had separated. We both deserved better partners. In hindsight, we’re attracted to similar people- wise, smart, egoistic- but we tend to be happier with people who complement us. Do you and your fiancé complement each other? If not, please call it quits. Better late than never!

Amazon TDen28 OP Mar 20

Thank you for sharing your experience. I disagree on one par that is going separate ways - I hate quitting in general, and certainly when there are other people involved. In our case it’s our families who have trusted us to be with each other and our extended family/relatives and friends. But I care less about them than what me and my partner and our parents feel and think about. You brought a great point about complementary characteristics - we certainly do. She has an easygoing approach towards her career and I am driven to achieve the next big thing out there. So it helps us both meet somewhere in the middle. She has a thing for cleaning and I am a tidy person but don’t care about everything being spot clean. So she doesnt have to break her back while she makes what I do 1000x better. This translates into all the other aspects of our life. The problem I’m having the most is after fights I like to talk things out but it’s something I have to control and be more understanding about that she approaches it differently. As I write this, I realize what I need to do. We certainly have a lot of work cut out for us in terms of basic communication etiquettes and what we should do to make tense arguments or discussions not blow out of proportion.

GoDaddy godcoderx May 12

You are the man and you are starting fights? The simple answer is stop ducking complaining about the things she does. If you don't like it leave it stop complaining. You should have more important shit to worry about than her critique of your clothes