Options for career break on H1B visa

What are the options to get a 3-6 months health/career break on H1B visa? Finances are not a concern for this and un-paid leave is fine. Other than FMLA and sabbatical (which doesn’t exist in Amazon) options. Can you also quit job, go back to home country for a few months and then return later to a new job if you have a valid H1B and i140 already approved? Appreciate any insights! TC: 290k

Amazon chewxjaquw Mar 31

Amazon does have 3 months unpaid leave…

Amazon vryhrt OP Mar 31

Personal leave of absence requires manager and leadership approval with no job protection either.

Amazon chewxjaquw Mar 31

Why won’t you get this approval? And what do you mean no job protection? If they approve the leave you can come back.

Amazon dngdng Mar 31

1. Amazon in US gives few weeks sabbatical after 4/5 years of service. Unsure if you in US or not. 2. You can also take unpaid time off without resigning since you need to maintain your H1B status. This may not have job security. 3. Resigning from the job will end you current H1B. You can always leave US and come back on a new H1B with an employer who can sponsor your visa. Having I140 approval does help in getting H1B again since you won’t need to go through lottery. This could be a great option if you are confident you will be able to get another job with H1B sponsorship after the break. I am considering a break as well.

JPMorgan Chase bingoogle2 Mar 31
