Overtime pay as a quant

I have heard many times that quant researchers in places like Citadel, 2S, etc work 60-70 hours a week. Is that so? If so, do you get paid for overtime or you only get the 40h/week salary?#finance #twosigma #citadel #deshaw #millenniummanagement #sig #point72 #jumptrading

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Google (> ^_^)> Apr 4, 2021

You get paid extra in the form of a bonus if you spend the hours well. But, no, pay is not hourly when you're on a salary.

Two Sigma zyxx38 Apr 14, 2021

Are you an hourly employee at Salesforce? This is a really weird question

QR‎ May 3, 2021

Sure. Larger end of year bonus is overtime.