
Overworked and exhausted/Finding a new job?

I have worked for my current company for about 2 years. I started as 1 of 2 media/graphic design/tech writers in the company and have since developed a team of people to help me out (we're a medium sized telecom company so we're still finding needs to fill and we have to fill them quickly). I started a separate team as well to conduct quality control on our production. I now supervise/manage both teams as well as managing all my existing projects and my to do list just keeps getting longer. I find that every day I come home exhausted and drained even if it is a normal work day(8 hours). I've looked around on various sites at similar positions and I'm starting to realize I'm underpaid and I have far more responsibility than I should have. I also feel like my boss doesn't provide apt direction or if he does he's just telling me what I want to hear so I keep working. Don't take this the wrong way I work hard and I want to make improvements to the company and to myself but I'm starting to lose my motivation. I think it's great that this company has given me so many opportunities to learn new skills and to build teams but, I don't think I can sustain myself while holding this job. Any advice or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

GOAT gitpusher Sep 27, 2019

I’ve been in your position many times. Take a vacation. Make sure you’re taking care of yourself (diet, exercise, sleep, intimacy.) Remember that you are employable elsewhere. If it gets too much to handle — quit. But would be safer to start interviewing before you’ve lost your income stream. Godspeed ✌️

NBCUniversal eveE41 Sep 27, 2019

Agree. Your health comes first. Make sure you have enough savings, get ready and start interviewing with other companies. You only live once.