PayPal DPX org feedback

Left PayPal DPX organization bay area 3 weeks ago after 5 long years. This post is my feedback to anyone who is even remotely considering to join the organization: DON'T. I worked with two different teams within the organization. In my team of 12, 8 of us left/moved out of the organization within the last 9 months. The management has changed for the worst over the last few years. The PM and manager externally hired are highly incompetent and extremely arrogant. This has resulted in lack of prioritization and product degradation. There has been severe attrition over the last year and no efforts have been made to fill these positions. As I have seen, If you are a woman, be ready to be dismissed during meetings and given unsolicited advice over 1:1s. Subordinates who are not the "manager favorites" are seldom biased against for work and reviews; even borderline harassed. End of rant. (Excuse my English) TC: 180k Yoe: 9

PayPal jamunwala Sep 20, 2022

Glad you left that place. I partnered with several and had a bad exp too.

Bank of America ramblinman Sep 22, 2022

What is DPX?

HEXAGON lnmF81 Dec 30, 2023

Yeah.. what exactly is this @OP