Hardware IndustryJan 15, 2023

Pet Peeves: Stop generalizing companies when switching jobs. WLB etc.

It's really annoying to see folks generalize companies when deciding weather to jjumping from one company to another. I find it lazy... and annoying since each group in a given company is different. Folks recently mentioned WLB was (best to worst left to right) Intel >> amd >> nvidia >> apple. Spent many years at Intel, amd and now nvidia. Wlb was worst in amd (cpu group) and Intel (network and storage soc groups) and best in nvidia (soc, gpu). Tier 1 companies are huge and have many subgroups with varying characteristics. Let's try to be less lazy in our posts and be more specific (even in an anonymous app like this).

Amazon wawY45 Jan 15, 2023

Very true. People say that WLB at the entirety of Amazon is really bad, and 6% URA quota is widespread, but I found a really chill team with a nice manager and reasonable on-call workload. You just have to look harder, and you'll find it. On average, I never work above 40h per week! EDIT: Just got a call from my manager. He said I was in a silent Focus for a 3 months, and he's entering me into a 30-day Pivot now. Have 5 business days to make a decision whether to try to Improve, or take a 10w base salary severance by agreeing not to sue and not to disparage Amazon. FMLA!

NVIDIA crater_man Jan 15, 2023

Are you for real or is this a joke?

Apple soc_talent Jan 15, 2023

this has to be a joke lol nicely done

NVIDIA gbrmk Jan 15, 2023

It's about the odds, ymmv. Welcome to NVIDIA.

NVIDIA GeoForce Jan 16, 2023

i can trust nvidia wlb being bad

Microsoft xiFg14 Jan 16, 2023


AMD PrinceYam Jan 18, 2023

The only thing one should compare is money and benefits unless you know the prospective team. Everything else is a recipe for disappointment since it is team dependent. Even a good team can start to suck with a change in management or workload TC is common one people compare. Next compare holidays, medical premiums, deductibles, other benefits and assign a value to them. compare company policies. And of course immigration stuff for those on visa. Day1 perm is more valuable than perm after h1 approval