Tech IndustryJun 4, 2019

PhDs in Industry

Do PhDs have any advantage in growing up the career ladder or is it a total waste of time?

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Facebook bTId74 Jun 4, 2019

Zero. And I was in ML, in Google research and am in FB research now. If you’re only optimizing for ladder climbing it’s going to cost you more than it would help.

Amazon 669 Jun 4, 2019

Do you have PhD? Are/were you Research Scientist or Research SWE?

Nvidia js82jsq Jun 4, 2019

Maybe for ladder climbing -- but you don't see many non-PhDs in research positions

Oracle alwzangry Jun 4, 2019

You would if you worked at places where they solved new, complex problems, but not where they hire by the truckloads and don't have specific jobs in mind for you at interview time.

makeitbig Jun 4, 2019

I have consistently seen PhDs (US only !!) respected above the rest. It matters.

Capital One VRqA34 Jun 5, 2019

I spent 6 years working very hard while earning $30k/yr and added 0 YoE by industry standards. It is a TERRIBLE choice for ladder climbing. At the same time I have no regrets because that's not what drove my descions.