Pleasanton to Sunnyvale commute

share your experience commuting from Pleasanton to Sunnyvale Google office. What would you recommend? 1. Car 2. ACE train and bus 3. Google shuttle How these compare? How much productive can one be working from the shuttle?

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Pinterest gshsh Nov 18, 2018

Not Google, but my wife commutes to Apple in Sunnyvale from Pleasanton. She takes the shuttle so that she can work or relax on the shuttle rather than focus on driving.

Microsoft Ink8i Nov 18, 2018

With Pinterest + Apple, TC is probably great combined, north of 400-500K. Why not live somewhere closer to one or both of your work places? Can’t you afford like Mountain View?

Uber oppreasdss Nov 18, 2018

hahaha loved those questions, MS. this fuckin place.

eBay gcpd Nov 18, 2018

Shuttle is a way to go

Apple Hello!!!! Nov 18, 2018

I have friends who do it and say its horrible 60-120 min one way

NetApp i🐙 Nov 18, 2018

If you drive it its terrible

Schweitzer Engineering Laborator greenlawn OP Nov 18, 2018

It looks like not many people use ACE train..