Product Manager at Deutsche/BNP Salary?

Expecting an offer for a Product Manager role in the electronic trading division of Deutsche that was recently sold to BNP Paribas. I have 2 YOE and the role requires knowledge of kdb+, a pretty niche language. What should my salary expectations be for NYC as well as the growth I can expect in the near and medium term?

vynpe Jun 18, 2020

Last time I got an offer for bnp paribas (Paris office) it was 3000 eur/month, 0yoe. AI research scientist position, fresh grad PhD. Crazy low, I declined.

Compass K34fdn Jun 18, 2020

Wtf??? Seems it would cost that much for housing alone. Not a fan of BNP. Their US contingent bank of the west is an absolutely awful bank.

vynpe Jun 18, 2020

Yeah I mean to be fair it’s not crazy low for France. They pay for transport, subsidized meals, and 30 vacation days (standard in France). But housing in Paris is too expensive