
Profile for Team Matching | Amazon | AWS | SDE

Hi There, I appeared for Amazon(AWS) SDE, Vancouver, Canada virtual onsite loop this month which went great. After 5 days, I got a feedback call from recruiter mentioning that my result was STRONG/POSITIVE but was not a fit for that particular team and my profile is up for team matching. My recruiter told that he is searching for teams and also encouraged me to find suitable roles by myself to speed up the process. Are there any Amazon(AWS) teams looking for SDE? Thanks in advance :) #amazon #aws #interview #team-matching #canada #vancouver #aws-recruiters #sde

dVFw55 Aug 5, 2020

Currently I’m in the same situation. Do you have any update? Are you able to find a team?

deep2323 OP Aug 5, 2020

No, I trying to reach out the recruiter but not getting any reply. For what level were you interviewed for?