New YorkNov 4, 2017
NewMr. Darcy

Promotion - Salary Increase

What is the average salary increase for promotion in %? e.g: AM to Team Lead / Team Lead to Director etc.

Fitbit Tif Nov 4, 2017


Boeing WDNH05 Nov 5, 2017

I recently went through a promotion and I assume it's different for each industry/company. I researched and talked to people. This is what I got... 1. Promotions leave little room for negotiation. Usually bigger companies have a structured payscale. 2. The company has the leverage if your decided to negotiate. They know your salary and in this case you don't have another company in your back pocket to leverage. 3. They know your real "experience" level. You will not be paid at a team lead/director market value. You will be considered at an entry director level. Whereas a director hired from the outside will already be paid at or above market. 4. If you decide to negotiate a little more, I would find a way to prove that the work you've been doing is already comproble to what a director would do so you can say that it's deserving of a more reasonable director salary. My experience as an engineer, I maxed out at my payscale for my level. I asked for a promotion and they INITIALLY gave me 3%, I went back and told them my experience should put me at market value and not at entry payscale of the next level. They obliged and have me another 3%.