Tech IndustryFeb 6, 2023

Python vs Java for the most money and furture career prospects at FAANG+ companies?

Been given a choice if I wanted to continue on the Python path (last 2-3 years) or move to a Java project. Which one should I pick for the most money and future career prospects at FAANG+ companies? Which language should I pick if I want to tear my hair out less? Thanks! Python: - like the syntax but it seems so hacky (especially production code) that reading code is rather hard Java: - I like the strong typing, doesn't seem as hacky as python #java #python #fang #faang

12 Participants
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Coupang wakeupbro Feb 6, 2023

Language doesn’t matter. Technologies maybe. Skills absolutely.

Amazon WdML10 OP Feb 6, 2023

Alright then less hair-pulling... looking at python code and setting hasattr and setattr and overriding makes reading python code painstakingly hard.

Amazon srnm Feb 6, 2023

Could you elaborate what you mean by skills? Are language/technology not skills?

Uber wageSalve Feb 6, 2023

Doesn't matter for money / prospects? I lean toward Java for less hair pulling in a multi-dev environment

Microsoft ❇️chadGPT Feb 6, 2023

Another opinion. C#

Amazon WdML10 OP Feb 6, 2023

I did C# for a few years as my first job out of school. I enjoyed that language as well as the rest of the Microsoft stack.

Uber wageSalve Feb 6, 2023

C# is 🤌

SolarWinds MouthyS Feb 6, 2023

Make it a poll 🤡

CrowdDoing khaBanh Feb 6, 2023
