Work VisaMar 8, 2019

RFE question as i am moving companies

Hi I got an RFE during the H1B transfer process at Intel . Currently I work at Intel But i got another offer from a different company and they have filed my H1B petition under regular processing . I already received the receipt and will be joining the new company on receipt on March 25, 2019. So does my current RFE at Intel need to be resolved or I can join the new company, and not worry about the RFE I received at Intel . Will Intel withdraw my current petition when I move to the new company . Any insights would be appreciated. Thanks

Instacart carrotcode Mar 8, 2019

Don't join Intel until your RFE is cleared. If your H1b gets rejected and your employment at your current employment has ended you'll probably have to leave the country. Once your employment ends, your h1b petition is withdrawn.

Intel intelifer OP Mar 8, 2019

Hi I work at intel currently. And the RFE is for Intel too . But now I am shifting out of Intel to another company . So if the RFE isn’t approved or rejected till my last date at Intel , that application will be withdrawn anyways and the processing with the new company will be on going . Do you mean I shouldn’t leave intel until I get the RFE decision ?

Instacart carrotcode Mar 8, 2019

I'm actually not sure what'll happen in that case. I didn't realize that you have an RFE at your current company as well. Sorry

Core Digital Media sjsidbsj Mar 8, 2019

Can you do PP for your RFE at Intel? If you can it will be safer. I am in similar boat got rfe from current company so waiting to clear it and then jump ship. My new employer is willing to wait for me. Best of luck.

Intel intelifer OP Mar 8, 2019

Thanks for the response. I have already communicated to my current team about my last date and the employment termination process has begun . Not sure if Intel would be willing to do PP now, will check with them. Why is it safe to clear the RFE at your current employer as the processing will have to start again at the new company

PWlD80 Mar 9, 2019

No issues, if this is not h1b from 2018 lottery. Here are two things that will happen provided above is true. 1. Intel does not reply for your h1b rfe and it will get automaically denied after your rfe date deadline is reached. 2. You can ask intel to withdraw your application which is easiest and does not cost anything. Your h1b is withdrawn and you will have no issues. Ask for option 2 request intel to withdraw your application.

Intel intelifer OP Mar 9, 2019

Thanks a lot . That sounds assuring !