RTO not so bad?

I'm not sure if I'm a corporate simp but I don't find RTO so bad. Saving me the trouble to get food, find a gym etc. The office is also a lot more spacious, I know a lot of freelancers work at Starbucks, so the office is just like a better Starbucks (since it's free coffee)? I know wfh allows travel but I only travel so much per year, and you can just tell your manager you want to work in europe/asia for a month. I'm not suggesting that rto is better but why do people hate it so much? #wfh

Qualcomm oRXf54 Jan 2

The most frustrating part of return to office is other people complaining about it.

Amazon cnzk5dh Jan 2

Do you have little kids?

Discover Financial Services swe76 Jan 2

They hate it because gas is wasted. Time is wasted driving. Wear and tear on your car etc. Then you have to go in public every day into the office that costs millions. Rather than waking up and signing onto your computer. Office space is unnecessary and expensive. Driving is unnecessary too.

PayPal osamar Jan 2

Do you have kids at home? I love the privilege to see them grow

ByteDance cePM76 OP Jan 2

Got it, understand now

1003a Feb 22

Do your kids not go to daycare or school?

Wayfair JHGe00 Jan 2

Not every office has all the amenities yours does. I also get a lot more work done at home. For me, RTO threw off my workout and meal prep plans. Gained 30 lbs since RTO last year.

Google x-mas 🎄 Jan 2

Suggestions for meal prep please

Wayfair JHGe00 Jan 2

I have the stealth health cookbook. Gives me a bunch of ideas. I season on Saturday, cook on Sunday. You can find him at @thestealthhealthlife on instagram

Apple rhageesh Jan 2

trash food even if it's free. coffee is bad for you too. i agree only on gym and more "space". the commute regularly is awful too

Snyk 🎃spooky.io Jan 2

RTO is fine. Mandatory RTO can SMD. There’s no point to it. Companies across the world were more productive. Happier employees, greater output, cleaner air, less traffic, etc. Mandatory RTO is literally for corporate real estate trying to justify its bullshit existence.

Bloomberg lYrK39 Jan 2

Yeah seriously, I like RTO but not enforced RTO and the metrics and tracking around it

Bloomberg lYrK39 Jan 2

Depends on your commute and desk situation. In some cases bathroom situation can also be bad. And also the overlap with other teammates in the office. I used to love RTO. Until I stayed at home for a few months and got used to working from home. Eventually you develop the habits and prepare your home accordingly. It also depends on how convenient your home neighborhood vs your office neighborhood is. My home neighborhood is extremely convenient. All in all I feel 1-3 days a week in the office is fine IF start time and number of hours in the office is not a constraint. I like to work from home in the morning, then commute and get my lunch on the way then work from the office 12.30-5.30. it's the best of both worlds. Not all managers allow that though.

Morgan Stanley tcm2damax Jan 2

Nice try HR

Zoom zoomooz Jan 2

Wfh you can't get harassed and managed out as easily like in an office. It's easier to focus on actual work and learning.