Tech IndustryJan 29, 2021

Reasons to stick with Robinhood?

I switched to Fidelity today and I found out that they also offer commission free trading. Their UI isn’t the best, but it is good enough to get the job done. What’s important is that Fidelity (or Vanguard or Schwab) doesn’t fuck around with my money and their service is reliable. I ordered more GME via Fidelity. I wonder, why do people still use Robinhood? #robinhood

Indeed dooooood Jan 29, 2021

Me too. How long did the transfer take?

Cruise Pow2Playa OP Jan 29, 2021

I didn’t do account transfer. Transferred from checking.

turtlecirc Jan 29, 2021

7-10 days I think

Amazon IUul86 Jan 29, 2021

Will this freez Robinhood account for trading untill the transfer is complete? I am planning to transfer partially for now but not sure if it freezes account for those 5 days?

Cruise Pow2Playa OP Jan 29, 2021

It might, if you have options expiring, don’t transfer yet.

Amazon 🚀🤣AMZN Jan 29, 2021

The only good thing about Robinhood is its pretty UI

Indeed dooooood Jan 29, 2021

Remember.. the pretty ones always cheat on you !

ffwx20 Jan 29, 2021

Fidelity options trading is not free and the UI is clunky, not good for people who like to day trade options expiring the same day and need fast button clicking speeds 🧤 Nevertheless since robinhood has liquidity issues and their CEO looks sketchy as hell I'm not leaving any money on their brokerage in case they suddenly go under and can't close a day's trades.

Cruise Pow2Playa OP Jan 29, 2021

Then you can use Think or swim ? Never used it personally.

Akuna Capital Kizuna ML Jan 30, 2021

$0.65 commission per contract breaks even with 0.65c of better fill

Splunk splwtf Jan 29, 2021

Here’s one very possible reason not to stick with Robinhood;