Tech IndustryDec 5, 2018

Recruiter evaluated by quantity?

I was approached by a recruiter through LinkedIn, asking for booking a time for chat. I went to the link that he gave me and found a lot of open slots. He wanted to have a phone interview, but he didn’t reply my email or have my resume. Though he seemed to be an experienced recruiter per LinkedIn. So now recruiter needs volumes to show their performance? Lol. Also a recommendation for recruiter out there, if you want quality candidates, you really need to treat them with quality.

Blackstone 751hbw2 Dec 5, 2018

They send mass emails, if found potentials, just ignore the rest. Highly unprofessional but happens a lot.

Cisco B-Intern OP Dec 5, 2018

He did call at my “interview” slot, I didn’t pick up because I was at a meeting, and I concluded he’s not serious. Lol

EXECUSER Dec 5, 2018

Thanks for your post. I’m a recruiter and I would never waste my time with candidate calls which lead nowhere. I’m sure I speak for all recruiters... Unfortunately we will never find out what this LinkedIn guy was heading for

Gooberly Dec 5, 2018

I was talking to a recruiter today. He said he gets a 20% response rate on the 1k LinkedIn emails he sends per week.