HR IssuesJun 3, 2019

Recruiter turned candidate in final stage of process

I’m at the final stage interview of a high profile internal search and the HR person organizing and administrating the search just told me that they have throw their hat own in the ring and are now a candidate. It’s just one other internal candidate (I don’t know who that person is) and me left, and now suddenly the HR person enters the process. Apparently the person hiring had asked them early on to consider the role and now they have decided to apply? This seems wrong on so many levels. Do I say something or just do this last interview tomorrow and avoid potential fatal conflict? Tomorrow’s interview is apparently for leadership style fit - so I’m really conflicted since this not exactly exemplary leadership in my book?

IBM 01234567 Jun 3, 2019

What company so I can make sure to never apply? Also, that’s horrible. If they allowed that I doubt you saying anything will change their minds. Just try to nail that interview. I’d quit if the hr doofus gets it.

Navy Federal Credit Union masti Jun 3, 2019

Get out now. If the next interview is for leadership style fit and they are pulling this in the eleventh hour, that is huge red sign that they have terrible leadership. The scenario is unethical on so many levels.

Bayer Genie_22 Jun 3, 2019

Talk to a lawyer if you have proof. Conflict of interest and fair hiring rules make what you described illegal. And I agree with IBM what company so we can avoid this company.

Tdbe77 OP Jun 3, 2019

Thanks for the responses! It’s not a tech company, so most here should be safe 😉