Tech IndustryJan 18, 2023

Reddit is talking about Microsoft layoffs… and TeamBlind


Apple .purple. Jan 18, 2023

Reddit: a place where people with nothing go to feel something about anything.

Nuro nuobot Jan 18, 2023

Thanks for describing blind

H&R Block SpruceApp Jan 18, 2023

Reddit is filled to the brim with Liberal shills. I feel sorry for many of them. They complain about problems (Student Loans, Unions, AntiWork, etc.), but fail to actually do anything about it. On Blind the main complaint is the HB1 program. They don’t seem to realize they actually have collective power to change things which is bizarre. In addition, the site hates even common sense forms of Conservatism. I understand there are extremes. Although when some one tells you that solving your financial issues is a math problem (more income, less expenses), you should not respond with anger. Execute the plan like Brady.

Google 0910792 Jan 18, 2023

they are not wrong

HPE forloop; Jan 18, 2023

They are talking about a company that hires people based of coding rounds, on a site created by people who passed the coding rounds. And we are the trolls lmao.

Google MHxz10 Jan 18, 2023

Sorry what's so special about the coding rounds? They're right.

Compass skdotj Jan 18, 2023

Lol reddit losers talking about blind

Google MGUC73 Jan 18, 2023

Redditors and blinders love to shit on each other despite them being the same people.

Compass skdotj Jan 18, 2023

Lol you have no idea about reddit then, Blind is way way better and filtered. Although it is going bit downhill from sometime with some Reddit crowd coming here.

Amazon potirur Jan 18, 2023

Blind was this big? I thought no one care about this Korean made app

Google bastoon Jan 18, 2023

Anonymous discussions will _always_ be better than Reddit

Sev3r Jan 18, 2023

I mean.. they’re not exactly wrong.

Qualtrics FRoV40 Jan 18, 2023

They are wrong. Blind is a great way of getting a pulse on the industry; obviously it comes with some caveats.