Office LifeNov 20, 2018

“Redundant” and weird manager

Me and a few of my team members have noticed that my manager is weird, in the sense that very often he likes to jump into a discussion in the most useless and redundant way. A couple examples that really happened on Slack: - Me and a few other folks are discussing in a channel the best way to perform a test for feature X, and we’re going through the details and action plan. The last message being one from Alex, a coworker, saying “Ok, I will run the memory leak tests right now”. Out of the blue, the manager writes “hey Alex can you run the memory leak tests for feature X”? We’re like: “mmm, that’s literally what we just agreed upon one message above”. He clearly read that message because his question was super specific and targeted, but we can’t explain why he did it. - Me and a few other folks are working on a high priority customer issue and are discussing in a channel the progress, more specifically the best way to communicate something to the customer. We just agreed on how to proceed exactly, so the last message on slack is from Albert, a coworker, saying “ok I’m sending the customer email right now asking how to reproduce the issue”. Out of the blue, the manager writes “hey Albert can you send the customer email asking how to reproduce?”. Once again, this doesn’t make any sense to us, that’s literally what we just agreed upon and what he just repeated without adding anything useful. This happens a lot, it seems like he waits until the team reaches a conclusion or agreement on its own, and then proceeds to ask the exact same thing, literally a few seconds after everything has been discussed and decided already. Have you ever seen something like this?

Amazon ☻☻ Nov 20, 2018

Is he Indian?

Rooooofl OP Nov 20, 2018

Yes he is, 101%

Amazon 123raj Nov 21, 2018

Leave the team or the virus will infect you too.

Oath Bootlegger Nov 20, 2018

Yes, my fellow Indian managers.

Rooooofl OP Nov 20, 2018

But why?

Microsoft LockZuckUp Nov 20, 2018

They love to be is control and micromanage. He will also take the credit for coming up with all the action plans to his manager 'I asked them to do _ and it solved the problem'

Twitter hdhhj Nov 20, 2018

So your manager basically has his boss hat on, so now that he is a boss he is following up on items people said they will do. So whatever you guys are saying you will do are now your deadlines. Now get back to work.

Rooooofl OP Nov 20, 2018

That is just utter fucking bullshit, what the hell are you talking about you fucking moron? I’ve had plenty of good managers in the past, and they were providing value to the team by 1) sheltering it from bullshit 2) providing valuable context to the team. Never I’ve observed a man who just copies and pastes the previous message from the convo and turns it into a question. That is not wearing a boss hat.

Twitter hdhhj Nov 20, 2018

What is bullshit here? Are you fucking Naive? Your manager is the real moron which you will discover in few months. I have had such managers micromanaging before. He probably just checks the conversation and follows up asking whether people did their tasks.

Twitter hdhhj Nov 20, 2018

No big deal, I was just throwing a joke for which you probably didn't had cultural context.

Uber buzzbazz Nov 20, 2018

Your manager sounds super green and like they are terror stricken to think for themselves

Oracle of · Nada Nov 20, 2018

Sounds.... Extremely stupid. Is he new, and is your skip similar from what you can tell? If yes on first and no on second, I'd ask skip for guidance in how to handle. Diplomatic approach, spin it as maybe maybe manager's trying to create urgency or something, but you're confused about it and don't understand how to bring this up without accidentally sounding confrontational If manager is not new or skip is the same way, you'll need to be more sneaky and manage up. I'd avoid directly confronting manager about it before talking to skip, which in this case isn't really an option. This is because the manager's current behavior makes me not trust him to have that conversation directly without risk to your career. So instead will need to think of how to make him feel important about his ability to delegate to the extent that he stops. Talk to him and praise his mentorship and trust or something

eBay JubLt49 Nov 20, 2018

When you're dumb but still need participation points on the group project

Twitter hdhhj Nov 21, 2018

No, it's more like he would take all the credit.

Amazon 123raj Nov 21, 2018

Hey OP! Have you ever seen something like this?

Hunt-er Nov 21, 2018

Have you considered the possibility it’s actually not the manager but a bot? An AI bot that understands conclusion and follows up? I would ask the manager) either way you will find out))

Facebook lulz1 Nov 21, 2018

He is sending a dated, written request for work item for HR reasons. Maybe they’re evaluating that employee critically and manager wants to collect evidence of slacking or good work. Source: I’m a manager

Oath Bootlegger Nov 21, 2018


Hunt-er Nov 23, 2018

lulz1 really? Sending a dated m, written item for HR reasons? If that’s the case it’s basically spying on your employee. How that can be right?