Tech IndustryJun 12, 2022

Referrals for ML engineers at Meta - 24 hours giveaway

Hello, Meta is actively hiring ML engineers. Dm me your 1) LinkedIn profile 2) email and I’ll submit a referral. P.S: Prior ML experience preferred but not required (if you have interest in the space, you’re good). EDIT: Pls send me both 1) LinkedIn profile 2) email when you dm me. #referral #referral #Facebook #Meta #Google #amazon #microsoft #lyft #uber

Amazon xrAB37 Jun 12, 2022

How would the interview be if there is no prior experience?

rain💧 Jun 12, 2022

Wondering the same. I would be interested to learn!

Virta Health s73hfw Jun 12, 2022

There's only one ML round at Meta and it's... not the hardest

Williams Sonoma yesA68 Jun 12, 2022

Does meta hire E4 MLEs? What’s the requirements for E5?

JPMorgan Chase hyos Jun 13, 2022

Hey OP, you still giving these referrals out? I'm interested, just wanted to confirm before DMing

Meta li5n13a OP Jun 13, 2022

Please send email and linkedin profile, I ll submit the referrals today and tomorrow

JPMorgan Chase hyos Jun 14, 2022

Dm'ed you both

HP ddia Jun 13, 2022
