
Research background + consulting experience

Hi, I have a PhD and afterwards academic experience in the UK and Australia. I am currently working as a research and development consultant at KPMG. I am also finishing MBA at a top business school in Australia. My husband recently received a good offer from an USA firm and we are planning to move. Does anyone have any information regarding KPMG global transfer within the firm? Thanks

SAP cgRU44 Aug 31, 2021

Coming to blind instead of looking at internal resources. Oh boy….

JRbj08 OP Aug 31, 2021

Just joined kpmg. Need to build a bit of rapport before asking anything that says I am planning on leaving this job. I will surely ask when the time comes.

PwC 0iOi Aug 31, 2021

There should be. If you want to look for an opportunity at PwC, please DM me. Happy to help and refer.

JRbj08 OP Sep 1, 2021

Thanks. I sent you a DM.