Resources to learn Java basics

Hi all, I am currently in an operations role, I am in notice period and will be joining SDE role in few weeks. In my new role I will be working on Java. I have not worked on Java earlier professionally. There are lots of resources for Java. I understand OOPS and have studied few Java tutorials. I still donot feel confident in Java. I am proficient in C++. I have done few projects in Python as well. I am looking for some good resources to learn Java. Please suggest some resources which would help in understanding the basics. Any book/ courses/ YouTube playlist/ tutorials would be helpful. YOE- 1.5 YOE TC- 16 LPA #engineering #software #swe #sde #java #tech #wfh

tqts72 Jun 20, 2022

How did you switch from being in an ops role to SDE? I'm an APM who is looking to switch to SDE roles

American Express LlkD05 OP Jun 20, 2022

1. Rigorously solved Leetcode 2. Built projects relevant for SDE jobs Also I used to code in my college and have some coding skills, have done projects showcasing backend/ frontend, ML skills.

American Express LlkD05 OP Jun 20, 2022

Also I did not mention I'm joining as an SDE 1, which entry level. They did not ask much experience related questions but focused more on problem solving/ coding.