PoliticsJun 15, 2019
Amazon blindError Jun 15, 2019

The waters are claimed by other Asian nations. China wants to use its miliary to crush other nearby countries and is pissed that the USN insists the disputes be solved diplomatically rather than by brute force.

Quora mDXn01 Jun 15, 2019

Chinese government was saying when they claim the water, those other Asian nations did not exist.

Amazon checkPls Jun 15, 2019

Which is a lie

Lyft ihb47 OP Jun 15, 2019

Do you read the article? Even Germany! is sending warships to the Indo Pac Opium wars part two?

cdSx67 Jun 15, 2019

European countries are going to remove their forces there when threatened ever so slightly by China. Europeans have zero appetite for military risk and zero understanding of how it’s important not to let China control those waters.

Amazon checkPls Jun 15, 2019

China can't afford to attack its customers

cdSx67 Jun 15, 2019

China won’t, they will just threaten and Europeans will go running

Google wHtB0a Jun 16, 2019

All I know is that it's time to long Boeing and Lockheed

Amazon top quark Jun 16, 2019

Here a hint for you CCP man, aka China5g: The people in HK aren't really different from the people across the way in Shenzhen. In fact Hongkongers are a mix of people from every part of China. They are Chinese to the core and they are united by their love of both freedom and China. Everyone next door in Shenzhen knows exactly what is happening in Hong Kong and they all wish to have the freedom that people in Hong Kong are fighting for. This could easily spread to all the people of China. Chinese culture and values are the same on both sides of the fake border, but what's very different is a measure of freedom. Everyone in China deserves the rights the people of Hong Kong are fighting for. One country, two systems? Hong Kong and Taiwan are the true Chinese way. CCP is an abomination.

Pure Storage China5G Jun 16, 2019

Fk, taiwaness are not chinese, you dumb ass.

Amazon top quark Jun 16, 2019

Check your facts dumb ass, 95% of Taiwanese are Han people. You really just post non stop bullshit. Proof that everyone spouting the CCP line has no morals. The whole of mainland China is deeply corrupted by exposure to the CCP

Microsoft Hyad70 Jun 17, 2019

China's economic system is built on a house of cards - read China's Great Wall of Debt - fascinating.