Tech IndustryJul 17, 2018

SAP Offer

Do SAP recruiters negotiate ? How much can I push them for negotiation ?

SAP JKDL62 Aug 6, 2018

Anywhere you want, but t3.1 is almost always a limit for external hiring, exceptions are made for folks from partner organizations who are well known. Don't go below the 3.1 but please note - you still be asked to deliver the best, so might be tough

Tesla PπŸ™ˆπŸΊπŸŽŠπŸ€˜ Aug 6, 2018

What is t3.1 ?

SAP Momok71 Aug 22, 2018

SAP has Levels T1-5 and then individual contracts fpr execs. In my case, they wanted me bad enough to hire me well above T3.1 - all it takes is being the ideal candidate ;-)

Tesla GoldMedal Aug 22, 2018

Can you share your profile, job title and TC. You can PM me as well.