Work VisaOct 16, 2023

SAP Severance/ PIP policy

What is the SAP severance/PIP policy? Do they give an option of taking a severance vs. going on PIP? If so, what is it like? On the verge of a PIP, would appreciate inputs. Please help. #SAP #severanceOnPip

Google 1Happylife Oct 16, 2023


NVIDIA qwerty+ Oct 16, 2023

SAP also has severance ? Why are Amazon incels spoiling every good company ?

Amazon TvU9eH Oct 16, 2023

You think Amazon invented the notion of a severance? Lol 😆

lurkingn Oct 16, 2023

Given severance or PIP, take severance. Especially if a large company. Severance will give to time and mental peace to look for a job