Tech IndustryFeb 3, 2019

SDE developing backend services transitioning to full stack?

Most companies that seem interesting (startups) are full stack. Real backend software engineering roles, the kind at big companies doing core business logic, don't seem to intersect with the work culture I'm looking for and the type of company I want to work at (impact, etc) but it is the work I want to do. My fear is once I go to full stack I'll be stuck doing full stack forever and won't be able to transition back if I want to. Another concern is the technical challenge seems lacking compared to developing a highly available service. Also full stack/frontend dev culture itself looks awful, why are y'all wasting your time tweeting and shit?

Oracle frustrat Feb 3, 2019

Doesn’t full stack include backed too? Why are you scared then? I know the answer though. Full stack basically means jack of all master of none.

Amazon Sanchezos Feb 3, 2019

I agree. Typically you’re good at one or the other. The “idea” of full stack usually means a front end dev who uses NodeJS, MongoDB or even worse, Ruby on Rails. 🙄

HBhogle Feb 3, 2019

That’s a generalization nice

LillySJ Feb 3, 2019

Full stack is myth, either you are backend or front end. Period

Lyft preipo Feb 3, 2019

I consider myself a very strong front end engineer. But that doesn’t stop me from making side projects that involve frontend and backend. Its fun to learn new tech stack and useful if you ever join a startup.