Jobs & ReferralsMar 28, 2023

Salesforce Role

Hello All Please I'm looking for referrals for Salesforce Administrator, Salesforce Consultant, Salesforce Business Analyst or any other relevant Salesforce roles. If anyone here know of open Salesforce positions in their company, I'll greatly appreciate a referral. Thank you.

NortonLifeLock jimsalter Mar 29, 2023

If you are wanting to join Salesforce as an employee - really think hard about that. If it's in BT or T&P the roles you listed, the job description and what you'll actually be doing are two cometely different things. (I know you are saying a company using Salesforce - just avoid Salesforce itself πŸ‘)

Cartus gem4succes OP Mar 29, 2023

Thank you but I'm not looking to work at Salesforce but looking for Salesforce roles listed in any company.