Tech IndustryMay 2, 2022

Security role at Stripe

Looking at a Stripe role: software engineer, security What languages are you all using? Looking at the job posting it’s vague and uses all the buzzword but doesn’t give any insight into what’s needed in the role. TC: 116k #tech #finance

Stripe Apnz50 May 2, 2022

Probably go, if not then maybe ruby or java.

Stripe cBmA88 May 2, 2022

The security people I know work across the stack, usually not confined to any single language. But yeah, either Java, Ruby, Go, or maybe Typescript if you're doing frontend stuff.

Boeing getMeOut🍿 OP May 3, 2022

Okay, I know java, and I’m working on Go it’s become pretty desired in security and software from what I’ve seen in postings.