Jobs & ReferralsAug 24, 2022

Seeking Disney referral for DPEP Product role

Seeking a #referral for a Product role within Parks, Experiences, Products. I am a qualified candidate with 3 YOE, current TC is $130K. Also, the position is marked as hybrid in Lake Buena Vista, FL -- any chance for full remote? Thanks in advance! #product #disneyhiring

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Indeed LTIPS_BB Aug 25, 2022

DM me for indeed, we have product roles open

Disney UifS30 Aug 26, 2022

Product in DPEP is going to be hybrid, and based on the email yesterday, as of September, most teams in Florida will be in the office 3x per week. Only engineering has a chance at full remote right now

GBPN20 Apr 29, 2023

Can I DM for a referral for software engineer role?

Disney UifS30 Apr 29, 2023

We're in a hiring freeze so there are no roles open. Additionally, Disney doesn't have an official referral program.