StartupsJun 17, 2020

Seeking an iOS developer to become technical cofounder replacement for unique photo/video sharing app in development

Been working an app for about a year, my last cofounder (worked for Apple as an iOS dev) had to resign due to Covid. If anyone knows of someone or can help point me in the right direction of where to find another developer interested in becoming a cofounder of an app with a lot of potential. I've been a designer in NYC for 10 years in each field of the industry. Besides the app being a unique tool everyone could use daily which could be patented, we have a fully functional prototype, complete branding, business/marketing plan, unique revenue strategy (no ads), website, Delaware C-corp and all the previous developer's code for the app (50% complete). Comment or message me directly if you know of anyone who would be interested in the NY/NJ area. Setting up calls and possibly meetings outdoors. #startup #ios #iosdeveloper #mobileapps #apps #socialmedia #tech #cofounder #technicalcofounder #CTO #newyork #NYC

Amazon bobmarley9 Jan 21, 2022

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