2024 TaxApr 16

Selling stock to pay tax bill. Am I an idiot?

Got a $60k tax bill for married filing jointly on $700k total household annual wages. I sold stock to pay for $30k of it. Now am wondering if that was a bad move and if I could have paid it off slowly until Oct 18th. Am I an idiot for having sold stock to pay a tax bill? My cpa is an idiot as he kept pressuring to pay the whole amount by Apr 15. #tax TC: $350k

Splunk rTOA83 Apr 16

I’ve done this. It’s fine.

PayPal Quonsetz Apr 16

Yes you are

NVIDIA beuebkzub Apr 16

If you are a citizen or a permanent resident you must form a LLC, have a rental property or 2 and start showing business losses. Also get a good cpa.

NVIDIA sKBS68 Apr 16

Wouldn't rental income be marked as passive income? Would it deduct against passive income or short term capital gains?

Airbnb vejuv Apr 16

Rental income doesn't offset your regular income. Rental income can only offset rental loss

Amazon Pro2012 Apr 16

Uncle Sam penalizes late payments after April tax day even if you get extensions. No due to uncle Sam is the best option after avoiding tax as much as possible.

GitHub 3975542769 Apr 16

Why aren’t you withholding enough?

Airbnb vejuv Apr 16

I use Amex credit card to pay big tax bill, and then use 6 months free plan it to spread out the payments. I do get the 1.5% paid extra for using credit card in points so all in all free money for 6 months

Flagstar Bank lolipop19 Apr 16

they charge 3.95% for paying tax by credit card so how is this a good option?

Airbnb vejuv Apr 16

1.82% to be precise. It has been this way for last few years. I do this every year. https://www.irs.gov/payments/pay-your-taxes-by-debit-or-credit-card

Thomson Reuters imRobot! Apr 16

Now, you've got to add the "realized capital gains" tax on those stocks for next year.

Google blindly__ Apr 16

As someone else said, even if you file an extension, 100% of your payment is still due on April 15. No you're not an idiot for selling stock to pay your taxes if that's what you needed to do. Yes you should listen to your CPA on this stuff.

Twitch LCUK22 Apr 16

This is the right answer. You need to pay now regardless of extension. They'll refund you if your amount ends up lower in October

commenting Apr 16

Your fine.

Atlassian X4g3t Apr 16

Sell tax efficient lots