Tech IndustryOct 28, 2019
NewWizard 🧙🏼‍♂️

Senior DevOps -> Lead Engineer

Currently senior devops engineer but considering taking advantage of the company hiring several lead engineers. I’m curious if the jump makes sense given I’m in my early 20s and I’ve only held my senior position for about 6 months. From a quality of life standpoint I’d be busier than I am now and only for $30k to $50k additional along with a title bump. (assuming a bit here) My life wouldn’t change much without it. I’d like to add that I’m known as an extremely reliable technical resource and one of our strongest engineers. I also fit the job requirements and I passed the technicals for the role (benchmarked me for comparison) Is it worth it from a career perspective or should I hold much more time as a senior level engineer. Yoe: 6+ years Salary: $140k

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AnchorFree 🍪 cookie Oct 28, 2019

Wtf, Devops\SRE are same rank as swe, why switch

Wizard 🧙🏼‍♂️ OP Oct 29, 2019

Sorry what do you mean?

AnchorFree 🍪 cookie Oct 29, 2019

I mean it's even better to be Devops, than software engineer... There's same pay scale and even higher demand