StartupsNov 20, 2022

Series D over FAANG ever worth it?

Purely from a financial perspective, I've seen a lot of posts here saying FAANG over startups because of higher TC vs paper money. For people who joined startups at series D (airbnb etc), did you end up making more than if you would've just joined FAANG for the same amount of time? Or is series D too late you make any significant money?

Databricks JwU12h Nov 20, 2022

Let's see. Databricks valuation was less than 1B at series D. So probably at least a 20x for people who joined then. The answer is: in some rare cases it works out quite well

Uber rNhO63 OP Nov 20, 2022

Do you think the TC they get at series D would be comparable to Big Tech? Or would it be less because of the potential?

Intuit heghjkgg Nov 20, 2022

Company is still valued at 30b? When whole market is down?

🌩️🌨️☔️ Nov 20, 2022

D and E are the best risk adjusted bets

Stripe jWzm25 Nov 20, 2022

Depends… we talking a “startup” like Stripe? (I definitely draw the line at series H)

Apple GdHX88 Nov 20, 2022

Can you explain what’s wrong with Series H? Just trying to learn

Salesforce loser_boom Nov 20, 2022

There might be perceived notion that if they reached that many funding rounds without an IPO, that they are cash starved and not likely to IPO.

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🌩️🌨️☔️ Nov 20, 2022

do you not understand the labor market?

Robinhood xfBJ64 Nov 20, 2022

It’s all luck. You can 3x at FAANG if you’re lucky and join at the right time. You can also .5x at a series D startup or 50x. But valuation does not equal a 1:1 payout for you. For example, going from 1B to 20B does not mean a 20x necessarily, there can be tons of dilution to your equity and there are different types of equity too. If I could do my whole life over again I would have just stayed at Google and made 10 million dollars by now

Uber rNhO63 OP Nov 21, 2022

That's a really good point

Ethos Hqb1ds Nov 20, 2022

In the last few months many startups had a lot of layoffs. Ethos is a series D startup. It hired for growth over the last year. But then laid off a lot of people over the last few months after the growth didn't quite pan out. Ethos didn't give a F about personal situations. Some employees came from FANG companies, after working there for many years. But got laid off laid within less than a year at Ethos, before they vested any stock.

Barn0 Nov 20, 2022

Money is unpredictable sometimes, there are ups and downs. But I did get higher titles, leadership opportunities and cool product building experience which transitioned to money about 7-8 years later. Focus on experience and skills, you will eventually get money. If you focus on money first, you might lose your soul and lose money eventually.

Wonder yzDT44 Nov 20, 2022

Love this answer

Uber rNhO63 OP Nov 21, 2022

That's a great way to look at it

Grammarly cheese_wiz Nov 20, 2022

We'll see!

Amazon ICXy71 Nov 20, 2022

Funding rounds were so insane back in 2020/2021 that it's probably a bad bet to join anything beyond series B right now. I interviewed at a series C startup with $7m in revenue and was valued at $2b lol There's 100% going to be a counter example that will prove my statement wrong, but these are unprecedented times.

🌩️🌨️☔️ Nov 21, 2022

great point

Investment Bank Glinda Nov 21, 2022

My spouse was laid off from his Series D, that has had 3 layoffs in 2 years. The company is 10 years old with no exit in sight so his exercised options are worthless. If you are a risk taker go for it, otherwise steady growth at a FAANG will get you to the finish line.