ServiceNow wellness benefit

Does ServiceNow provide a stipend to join a gym? Or do you need to use their gym? Any other wellness benefits provided to employees #fitness #gym

ServiceNow @Admin. Jan 10

Own gym

ServiceNow noob$# OP Jan 10

What about remote employees? Any benefit for them?

ServiceNow SeveIvagle Jan 10

They will give mind gym

ServiceNow qGtr83 Jan 10

You wish. One million people applied to join NOW last year. We technically should be having a pay cut.

ServiceNow BYYz74 Jan 10

In what way does people applying to join mean we should have a pay cut? 🤡

ServiceNow qGtr83 Jan 10

I m referring to that ask P4 anything session. Apparently according to them we don’t need things like raises, sabbaticals, etc because our stock price is going up (unless you joined in recent 3 years) and we had like one million applicants.