PoliticsMay 29, 2019

Shameful how racism against people of Asian origin is so normalised


Diversity Over Quality
Diversity Over Quality
City Journal
Oracle iwantfang May 29, 2019


sjrS68 May 29, 2019

What did you except? It’s in our DNA. You only stick to the people that looks and act like you. That’s how evolution works. Racism is not going to end not now not in 100 years. Racism is against everyone white, black, Arabs, everyone. So don’t bring up the Asian shit. With China getting stronger, it will only get worse. Remember what we did to the Japanese in WW2?

Capital One Drake May 29, 2019

But remember what they did? Lol... You're clueless in that part of history

sjrS68 May 29, 2019

Mr earth quite the opposite. If you are Indian or Pakistani try working in the Middle East, they will beat you with a stick if you underperform. Generally the perception of racism decreases with enlightenment. It happens now that the us is high up on the enlightenment scale.

Bose cricketfan May 29, 2019

Racism is apparently ok if it’s against Asians and Indians

svml May 29, 2019

And Jews.

Oracle pzd May 29, 2019

And Muslims.

Workday XYea87 May 29, 2019

Reducing over represention is not racist. Asian immigrants who come here come with money, so if course their kids will do well. It forces this country to do things like this to give poor (and even middle class) kids a chance to succeed.

Cloudflare myimouto May 29, 2019

If you care about socioeconomic status, you should want to admit a student body that reflects the general population SES-wise, not race-wise. But even if you do that, please be careful not to bake in any false assumptions. Some that could get in here are "intelligence has no correlation with SES" and "conscientiousness has no correlation with SES".

Microsoft HellNaw OP May 29, 2019

Humans never learn. Once upon a time, it was Jews that were “over-represented”. And some German guy rose up and decided to “reduce their over-representation”. I’m not calling you Hitler, but I hope this shows you the absurdity of your argument.

Microsoft HellNaw OP May 29, 2019

What gain exactly do you think lowering the bar for the sake of “diversity” will help achieve? You think as long as they’re present in the school, the circumstances that led to them having low entrance scores in the first place will magically vanish? Or they won’t continue to perform below par in those schools? Of course, the next step will be to lower the bar in school assessments and exams. Cheapen it all. Then lower the bar for college admissions. Oh wait that’s already taken care of. How do you expect society to progress if the automatic solution for a group having lower performance on average is to lower the standards for them?

svml May 29, 2019

Anything that is not based on merit have no right to exist.

Credit Karma EllisDee25 May 29, 2019

So the whole society basically?

Google AstroTelr May 29, 2019

@svml: There is a significant difference in adversity that a kid in rating 1 school district faces vs what a kid that goes to Palo Alto. These gaps are hard to bridge unless they are tackled early on, both in terms of resources and in terms of external influence. In reality, if anything, affirmative action shouldn't be based on race. It has to be based on adversity - what you face growing up in a place. It has to be based on metrics that can be evaluated and using which someone who is out of adversity is removed and someone can strive to get out of.

Target tmDe33 May 29, 2019

City-journal is a far right wing media source.

Groupon sleepy May 29, 2019

Ok so enlighten us on what’s exactly going on here. I want to see the other perspective.

Target tmDe33 May 29, 2019

I'm not making any arguments. I'm telling you OP is arguing in bad faith by using a biased source.

Microsoft iiieeegemm May 29, 2019

So sick of the elite school bs here

Cloudflare myimouto May 29, 2019

can u clarify. It seems like "gifted" kids really do benefit from not going to the same schools and classes as everyone else.

Microsoft iiieeegemm May 29, 2019

Gifted I guess. But schools should all be good. Not goddamn elite. That just screams inequity and that pisses me off. Every kid deserves a great education. If some kids learn faster, then they should go to a school for them. I have no problem with that. But it should not mean "better".

Credit Karma EllisDee25 May 29, 2019

Yeah anti-immigration xenophobia and the government’s demonization of Japanese and now Chinese economic competition sucks. Also the model minority myth is pretty harmful and racist too.

Google C50dKt May 29, 2019

What are the Asian voters going to do, vote Republican? DeBlasio knows this will win over the black voting bloc while the asian voters are too few in numbers to sway elections, if they decide to switch at all.

Groupon sleepy May 29, 2019

Fun thing is that black voters won’t vote over this issue at all but Asians will.