Tech IndustryMay 3, 2021

Should I accept an amazon offer?

I’ve read most of the Amazon horror stories on Blind. And I’ve also read some inspiring ones. Finding it hard to decide if I should accept an offer from Lab126. Pros: 1) the brand name on the resume. 2) higher salary 3) work seems exciting. 4) I feel like I’m not learning as much anymore at my current role. Cons: 1) it’s amazon. The pip stories are real scary. 2) somewhat comfortable at my current role, although the pay is less. should I accept this offer? Current TC: 160k New TC: 210k Yoe: 4 #Amazon #lab126

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Amazon pip_worker May 3, 2021

To say the least, you will get a pretty big culture shock going from Intel to Lab126

Intel ww3bfrq OP May 3, 2021

Would be very helpful if you can elaborate please! I know Intel is more chilled out , everybody is super helpful and nice.

OpenTable JoseGambaa May 3, 2021

What do you want in life? Are you willing to go through hell and get it?

Intel ww3bfrq OP May 3, 2021

I definitely want to learn as much as I can. Grow technically. I'm willing to put in the work but I can't handle a workplace where people are constantly playing tricks. That shifts focus away from the work and then you're only concerned about politics and survival.

Amazon vjhdggf May 3, 2021

"somewhat comfortable in my role"- you cannot say this at Amazon

Amazon pip_worker May 3, 2021

This is the truth. I'm on a good team and I have a good output but I feel uncomfortable / insecure in my role every day.

Amazon ynDd33 May 3, 2021

My take: Pros: 1) the brand name on the resume. - This has real value, recruiter call backs nearly 100% 2) higher salary - yes 3) work seems exciting. - definitely can be 4) I feel like I’m not learning as much anymore at my current role. -always a good reason to move Cons: 1) it’s amazon. The pip stories are real scary. - I was good for the first few years and this year suddenly wanted out. It’s a coin toss but I had a very good experience for a time. 2) somewhat comfortable at my current role, although the pay is less. - changing jobs is always uncomfortable, unless you are experiencing personal life challenges that require work to be on the back burner, don’t let this stop you

Intel ww3bfrq OP May 3, 2021

Thank you!!

Qualcomm OTA May 3, 2021

Well put.

Qualcomm OTA May 3, 2021

Yeah have the same question as OP.. I personally think it's worth the move. If you find it difficult after sometime, you can start the job search again..instead of being risk averse, think about what you could gain..

Infogain umCP78 May 3, 2021

Reading your post, it’s clear you want to join. I went through a similar dilemma few weeks back and have decided to risk it.

HPE 69332091 May 3, 2021

Is it L4 or L5 offer OP ? Are you a SDE ?

Microsoft 1Name4Eva May 3, 2021

It’s a great place to learn and push yourself to the limit. It will be a culture shock so do brace yourself. I have been with Amazon for 2.5 years now and getting ready to join Google in a few weeks however the learnings I had at Amazon were real and I had to experience in order to better myself. Ultimately my WLB sucked and due to a personal situation I had to look at other avenues. But IMO if you get a chance to work at Amazon definitely give it try for 2 years and then you will be able to move anywhere else easily!!! Good luck 🍀

Intel ww3bfrq OP May 3, 2021

Thank you! You guys are really helpful.

Apple mazonjakkd May 3, 2021

I’m moving to AWS for similar reasons. Mostly the “Learning”. But I also hate the culture at Apple.

Riot Games NNeW13 May 3, 2021

Amazon isnt great compared to google/fb etc but it is still a solid company. Yes there are horror stories but that isnt everyones experience - just think of how many people amazon hires there are bound to be some bad apples. Most likely your experience will be that you will have more work than at intel but will be learning a ton. I personally think it will be a great move for your career :)