Misc.Sep 12, 2019

Should I go back to traditional college?

Hello- tl;dr- I have an AA from 8ish years ago, went to a UX bootcamp last year and was able to earn an FTE role at Amazon but I've always thought about going back to school to earn my BA- It probably won't help increase my pay or anything but more along the lines of just having it. What do you guys think? Context: - I graduated with an AA at a Community college - Opened a small business with a friend for 3 years, sold everything with a deficit - Got into a sales role, and eventually opened up my own agency revolving around the same product for 7 years - Decided that I don't want to be 50 years old and doing sales still so I sold everything for a profit and got into the tech industry - Was laid off and went back to sales- saved up money and went to a bootcamp - Graduated the bootcamp and took a contract role and now FTE at Amazon I've been seeing alot of ads and what not for earning your degree- would there be any other worth in going back for a BA at this stage of my life?

Instacart sAXI67 Sep 12, 2019

Are you doing UX at Amazon?

Amazon ohaiyo! OP Sep 12, 2019

Yes, I'm doing UX

Microsoft Vbsm66 Sep 12, 2019

Don't bother until the recession hits

Amazon ohaiyo! OP Sep 12, 2019

Thanks for the reply! Do you see any value in doing it just for myself? As a milestone type of thing? Or are there other types of formal education where I can develop my level of understanding with UX?

Microsoft Vbsm66 Sep 12, 2019

Yeah, as someone who values education, I do see the value in doing it for yourself. Practically speaking though, there's no need since you already have a nice job. I suspect though that companies will start to care more about things like this after the recession hits though.

Dataminr #isqbxk Sep 12, 2019

Dude definitely not. People go to college to get credentialed so they can get a job. You have a job. You have a good job. Only go back to school if you need to in order to advance your career. Wasting money and time for some bullshit piece of paper is absurd. I'd be more proud of getting a good job without a bullshit degree than the other way around.

Taylor Farms azerty_ Sep 12, 2019

Seems like personalized ads are really working into brainwashing people. If you are already FTE at Amazon, i don’t see why you would need the education, unless you want to improve your knowledge and really dig deeper in CS

Smartsheet luxury Sep 13, 2019

Amazon pays for education! Please get a HCD degree. It will help your personal growth and career success.

conditiond Sep 14, 2019

Which UX bootcamp did you attend?

Amazon ohaiyo! OP Sep 19, 2019

General Assembly

Zoom YorkE Sep 21, 2019

How recently did you complete the bootcamp? And I agree with the other folks that there's no need to go for a degree, unless for personal reasons. A lot of people I know go to get BA or even a MA just to work for a company like Amazon.

naked Sep 27, 2019

Hey OP, could I take a look at your portfolio? I’m a new grad (HCI) trying to land a UX/product design position. Trying to better understand how to break into all of this.