Misc.Aug 12, 2019

Should I take LSD or Adderall?

I have always wanted to take LSD, but I have heard my friends ending up under suicide watch. What about addy?

WeWork rawrggggle Aug 12, 2019

Theyโ€™re not even in the same class of drug. Wtf lol

lIjOxJk Aug 12, 2019

Two completely different outcomes from those drugs so I question your motivation. If you just need a change of mental state, join crossfit. https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/davidmack/youtube-engineer-lsd-rampage-arrested

Qualcomm intel80085 OP Aug 12, 2019

Holy shit.

lIjOxJk Aug 12, 2019

The police released the video of this encounter including him ramming into people on a sunset stroll then being shot through the windshield. It's extremely disturbing and might sober up your desire to try lsd. Not saying all experiences end up this way, but if you have some demons locked up, proceed with caution. Maybe consider mushrooms or weed if you just want yo trip with friends.

Orion ๐ŸŒนโ™Ÿ๐Ÿ—ก Aug 12, 2019

Both? Neither? Itโ€™s like asking if you should drive a car or a boat. It depends on yr goal.

Uber doomer Aug 12, 2019

More like drive a boat or play scrabble

LinkedIn The zapper Aug 12, 2019

Just take one tab youโ€™ll be fine itโ€™s a lot lighter high than media makes it out to be. Addy will be like a lot of coffee - itโ€™s not a โ€œfunโ€drug

Facebook bhgvcdszr Aug 12, 2019

How the heck this is posted under food and travel tag lol?

Cisco edchavle Aug 12, 2019

Different types. suggest LSD to try first

ISXM10 Aug 12, 2019

I think he means microdose on lsd

NVIDIA gruse Aug 12, 2019

Porque no los dos

Pear Therapeutics prez.trump Aug 12, 2019

Where do u guys get lsd