HR IssuesDec 27, 2022

Sick Days @ Gartner

I have a job offer at Gartner that I plan to accept, however I have a disability. Working from home, the disability doesn't create a need for accommodation but there are times I'm not able to work a normal schedule because I'm sick or need to get in for doctor visits. I've never fallen behind on my work. This is an administrative type role, not working with clients. I noticed in the information from my recruiter that PTO encompasses vacation, sick, and personal. Does anyone know how this is managed in practice?

Roblox stinermath Dec 27, 2022

Depends on the stage of disability. Was it just Triggered? Are you near the Peak of Expectations for your abilities? Are you in the Trough of Disappointment of your disability? Have your treatments shown promise and are in the Slope of Enlightenment? Or are you comfortable with where you are at and reached the Plateau of Productivity?

Dell Boomi ribagumba Dec 28, 2022

Dude show some compassion. If your kid or your parent were either dying of a disease or about ti be killed in a violent homicide would you say the same thing

Roblox stinermath Dec 28, 2022

Someone didn't get the Gartner Hype Cycle joke.

xGyf43 OP Dec 28, 2022

Was hoping for a serious answer here for someone not familiar with Gartner's culture and not sure if I want to work there or not.

Gartner xqrE48 Dec 29, 2022

IMHO the PTO policy for US-based employees is a downside to working at Gartner. A few sick days a year seems reasonable. However, there is discretion and flexibility at the manager level. There may also be flexibility in work hours so doctor appointments can be accommodated.

GYTn61 Dec 29, 2022

Did they provide you with a job description? Can you perform all the functions without accommodation? Is it only that you will need some time here and there to go to your doc? With qualifying disability you are covered by Americans with Disability Act. Start working, see how it goes. If needed talk to your HR and say that you have a disability and will need time off to deal with medical appointments. They will engage in the process with you and you will have a formal resolution what will work for you and your company. The time when you have apps probably will be unpaid unless you have sick time or PTO to use.

xGyf43 OP Jan 1, 2023

Yes, I can meet all of the job requirements. Great to hear there is some flexibility for routine dr visits. I have an autoimmune disorder. My biggest concern is if I have a flare of sorts that lands me in the hospital for a few days. I won't be FMLA eligible for a year so wondering how things like this are handled.

GYTn61 Jan 5, 2023

What state are you in? There are some states that have state equivalents of FMLA that require less time spent with the employer for the eligibility. In addition to that if you are not eligible for FMLA or state leave law, you are covered by ADA. Allowing time to go to medical app is a reasonable accommodation under ADA. You will have to cooperate with your employer and try to find a solution how you can make sure that your performance doesn’t suffer. Like with FMLA they will request a statement from your MD to verify that your condition is a covered disability.

Gartner jeAX38 Jan 10, 2023

In my org we don’t even track PTO. If people in my reporting line need time off I just tell them to do it. If you honestly get your shit done low odds anybody will care if you need a day off there or an afternoon off here. Fairly common but not guaranteed everywhere. Your mileage may vary

xGyf43 OP Jan 13, 2023

My state doesn't really offer anything above federal requirements.

xGyf43 OP Jan 13, 2023

Appreciate all the feedback. I accepted the position.

Gartner OrKk68 Jan 31, 2023

Welcome to the team!