Tech IndustryFeb 18, 2023

Small proposal: "junior mentoring shifts" for seniors in office

Supposedly--and this does seem to be a common anecdote--the people hurt the most by WFH were onboarding juniors and new grads. I do think it is true that it's harder to get help sometimes over Slack/Teams/etc when you're stuck. I myself helped a new joiner with setup when we all happened to be in town for an offsite, and he was able to onboard a little bit faster as a result. Instead of just forcing everyone back into the office, as seems to be happening everywhere--and if helping juniors is one of the main reasons--why not assign seniors defined "mentoring shifts"? Like, have a senior at the office with the junior during a defined introductory period, so they can help the junior out in person. Maybe they take turns with one person on board for one week, the next, etc. This is especially helpful I think when you're setting up your environment. For the seniors who have to be onsite for it, if they are a bit far away, fly them out and put them up in a hotel. Otherwise they can commute, but the point is that it's a limited, well-defined period of time. Of course i haven't thought through all the logistics but do you all think something like this can work? At least for Big Tech? #wfh #rto

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Intellitix meawuz Feb 18, 2023

Haha so anyone not wanting to this will be abusive and be dropped? Mandatory my ass.

Snap 👻Spooky Feb 18, 2023

I’ve seen teams and engineers both set up fixed “office hours” on their calendars. In that way they’re not getting pinged to death, but also still helping out in a semi-ad-hoc manner. It’s also important as a senior, when remote, to set up 1:1s with the juniors.