Snap onsite preparation tips

I have an onsite scheduled for next week with Snapchat, how is system design round? What questions are asked for sytem design? Any tips on what to prepare for Snap onsite is appreciated! Thanks! #snapchatinterview #snapchat #sde #interview #systemdesign #onsite#engineering #software #software #engineering

Amazon for1answer May 18, 2021

At least mention your current and expected level.

Amazon pip.python May 18, 2021

If you run out of questions, ask about the stock price. They talk about it the whole time

Snap RipDEG May 19, 2021

So does Amazon. It's the only way you get money at Amazon 😂

Amazon pip.python May 19, 2021

Lol true

Snap RipDEG May 19, 2021

System design round is going to differ based on your stack. I.E. mobile is different than backend. Mine was very technical and indepth in my stack, vs a lot of other companies wanted something high level and generally to make systems work with one another. We also don't have a singular system design question used across the board like some other companies do. If you've generally interviewed at other companies you should be okay for the system design. Just prepare to get more in depth than others if necessary