Tech IndustryOct 17, 2022

Snapchat charging users 3.99 to beta test their features

Snapchat has a new option that allows you to get access to new features early for $3.99 a month. Essentially having you pay to test out new features before it gets rolled out to GA. How genius is that, getting money from Ads AND subscriptions from the same user. I think they’re the first company to figure this out, hopefully others find a way to follow suit

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Meta gary’s fan Oct 17, 2022

it’s an interesting idea, the business user would’ve paid

Google rfgg Oct 17, 2022

People don’t realize how much snap, Instagram, tiktok is used for business. It makes sense to charge money like this so business accounts (like some sponsored influencers as an example) can use this. Short sighted engineering mindset always fails to see the bigger picture 🤦‍♂️

Meta hsjna OP Oct 17, 2022

Yeah I mean look at the glasses and drone that Snapchat came up with. Any engineer would tell you it’s a bad idea but now they’re a majority of Snap’s rev. Or they got discontinued, can’t remember which

Meta gary’s fan Oct 17, 2022

definitely worth to see how these paid service pan out, there’s multiple ways to charge users but i think the biggest fear is to lose its user. Targeting biz user with harmless feature seems smart.

Psynaptic Oct 17, 2022

I'd expect to be paid by snap for testing their features. WTF.

Snap PleepPlop Oct 17, 2022

Meta employees are so frustrated and can't help lashing out at everyone else.

Meta hsjna OP Oct 17, 2022

You’re not wrong

State Farm rndmusr Oct 17, 2022

Genius. Dumb normies think it's cool so they pay for a fake beta (less crappy alpha) and get income+valuable info, then you release the real beta for free later to everyone, silently collect data and silently fix issues, then actually release