Snowflake Interview

Anyone who has recently interviewed with Snowflake? Can you please share your interview experience? TC : 160K YOE: 4

Nutanix glpV18 Sep 28, 2023


Amazon Andy-assy Sep 29, 2023

I had technical depth yesterday. I have my life coding round today. Here is the details I got before these Code/ Technical: (1 hour) This is a live coding round where you scope a problem, define it and discuss ways to solve it with the interviewer. We provide you with CoderPad for the code implementation. We ask that you identify algorithms, or an algorithm best suited for the problem, then coding up a solution while discussing trade offs during your solution. We look for optimized code that solves the problem, good sound methodology and running some tests. Leetcode is a good place to practice! Technical Depth Systems: (1 hour) Navigate and provide an understanding of a distributed system- core networking ( Linux) and concepts should be demonstrated. Ask yourself "what happens when I enter _____ url in browser and press enter. " Identify issues in a working system. Identify blockers, data flow jams, and latency issues as an example. Debug system, and understand anomalies. Provide fixes to issues within the system or scenario through conversation with interviewer.

Amazon zbadj OP Sep 29, 2023

I have two rounds on the same day next week and both the rounds are coined as "coding". I'm assuming that both would be live coding. Do they ask one question or two?

Amazon Andy-assy Sep 29, 2023

This is for production engineer so a little different. I just finished my coding. Leet code easy / medium

Microsoft Rpudzx Oct 18, 2023

What kind of question did they ask you for coding? Was it Leetcode?

Rubrik rubrikannn Oct 24, 2023

What sort of questions do they ask in the System Design rounds?