Software Developer Interview at Gitlab

Have anyone recently interviewed for Gitlab for a backend engineer role? How's the process look like? Gitlab seems to be heavily invested in ruby on Rails. Should I even consider ruby to add in my tech stack? I see very few industries still use ruby and virtually not a lot of resources or tutorial focused on ruby compared to python/Java/.Net. Looking for suggestions! TC: 🥜 YOE: 5+ #software #engineering #swe #gitlab

Credit Suisse GeEf50 Mar 16

I think GitHub is a Ruby on Rails shop, not GitLab

Ceridian admin/1 OP Mar 18

Both of them are.

Credit Suisse GeEf50 Mar 18

Yeah you’re right. I see some roles at GitLab listing Go, but they probably expect some ruby knowledge.

purefunc Mar 28

How did the interview go? Did you get asked language or framework specific questions?

Ceridian admin/1 OP Apr 2

Sorry I haven't gone through the interview. It has just been scheduled.

GitHub hagdy3 Apr 12

Hello, any updates on the interview process?

PayPal laidOffPal Apr 17

Hey OP, Can I DM you ? I'm going to start interviewing with them. Would appreciate your help