StartupsJan 13, 2018

Standing up a sub team at a startup

I will be joining a startup soon and will be tasked with designing, implementing, and hiring 3-5 people for a new feature/department. Any advice about being a young new manager at a startup, I graduated with a masters < 5 years ago and this will be my first startup experience Should I aim to hire people I can teach and mold or look for more experience? What do you look for in a good manager? Should I try to be bffs with my team, or is some distance good? Anything else I should look out for

Microsoft Friederich Jan 13, 2018

Your job is to hire people to do the best job for your company. New managers often make the mistake of not hiring people who would be better at the job than they would be themselves, fearing the competition. In other words, hire people who could train you, not people who you need to train

Microsoft πŸ™MπŸ™ Jan 13, 2018

Hire me pls