StartupsFeb 9, 2019
Red HatEmGA16

Start up vs public company

What do you think of startups vs going to a large technology company what are the pros and cons .

sparked Feb 9, 2019

Are you asking about public vs. private or specifically about start ups. If you’re talking specifically about start ups you need to qualify more. A 12 person start up is way different from a “start up” like Uber or Lyft that employ 1000s of people. If you’re talking about a small company or new company (<4 yr old) you’re gonna find yourself doing all kinds of work. I worked at a small start up on the backend team and often found myself doing front end work and pitching the product to prospects. At a bigger company everything will be much more defined in terms of job responsibilities

P&G Xkzq46 Feb 9, 2019

At a bigger company, I already know that my shares are worth something

Western Digital rhrR87 Feb 9, 2019

In startup most likely you will be working with newer tech. In older companies you may work in legacy stuff or older tech. Established companies do not move as fast. In start up you may need to do stuff that goes little beyond your responsibility. Start up may run out of money

Quanergy Systems sj5uq Feb 9, 2019

in a big company you fart around in your silo. in a startup you get to play in more sandboxes

DvVM00 Feb 9, 2019

literally google it. tons of good resources

AIG Raging Feb 16, 2019

Liquid shares (listed) vs no liquidity (startup). Startups may have rules around buy-out when you wish to leave and the buyout may be prohibitively expensive and risky as you don't know if the stock may appreciate before the next liquidity event. This happened with @MagicLeap folks. Rocket like trajectory if you get in the startup at the right moment vs relatively miniscule gains in listed ones.