State Farm WLB and culture 2024

I'm considering an offer from statefarm (remote), is the WLB there chill? How many years do people typically stay there for? I heard a lot of people there often leave; are there people who jump to better companies? Thanks!

Travelers travelBoi Apr 7

What’s the offer and position?

Discover Financial Services swe76 Yesterday

I’m curious as well. OP asked a question and dipped.

Microsoft pls ficks Apr 7

Where’s Jake from State Farm when you need him?

State Farm Nnvs50 Apr 8

WLB depends on team and position (and manager, really). But in general, ET is pretty chill. Most just care that the work gets done and is done well. Most folks I know don't work anymore than 40 hours, unless there's an actual emergency issue. Most areas are not exciting, but it's steady. Pay is meh. If you are the type that likes steady, you'll likely stay longer. People hop for more exciting work and higher pay.

State Farm DAfv74 Apr 10

State Farm has a lot of people that stay for their whole career, but those tend to be small town people from Bloomington and applies slightly less to SWEs. It’s very easy to coast, but pay is meh and work isn’t very exciting. The people that leave quickly normally aren’t pension eligible (hired after 2021), want more exciting work, are driven to increase their salaries. I feel like there isn’t a lot of in between, either people jump quickly or stay their whole career lol

State Farm zerowork Apr 20

Can be highly dependent on team/manager like anywhere else. My experience has been fantastic though. Chilliest job ever, and if you're a decent engineer you can stand out with little effort.

State Farm bean0 Apr 20

WLB is super nice, overall company culture is very slow and chill, not a lot goes on. Unless you’re on call or something, you can basically do what you want A lot of people in non technical roles have been here for their whole career, 20+ years. This is a great company if you want a chill job that pays nicely and don’t care for the rat race, so we have plenty of SWE who just work here and chill. But if you’re a SWE and care about furthering your career, your skillset, and your $$$, this isn’t the place to stay. There is no growth here. Like I said, the culture here is super slow. It’s pretty easy to get promoted here, but the TC bump is negligible (10% bump in base per level). Do with that info what you will. It’s a great stair step on your way to big tech, the company name is recognizable and the knowledge you gain here is useful for the short term, especially for entry/mid level. I go on LinkedIn and there are tons of people in big tech who once worked here at State Farm. It’s a good place to work and chill, and a good place to step from into bigger things.