Misc.Jun 1, 2018

Stem Cell Research

What companies are doing ground breaking work in stem cell research and what sorts of products/services are they selling? Who are the leaders and what’s their vision? Would be great to get some insight from Blind (pun intended)

Microsoft HaroldShum Jun 1, 2018

Stem cells are out. It’s all about CRISPR and immunotherapy now.

BlackBerry YuriMilner OP Jun 1, 2018

Who are the up and coming and big players in those spaces?

Microsoft HaroldShum Jun 1, 2018

Huge patent fight right now between MIT’s Broad Institute and University of California over CRISPR. For immunotherapy, Fred Hutch did early human trials in Seattle. The typical scenario is that a smaller pharmaceutical company (Bluebird, Juno) will do the initial research, they will then sell rights or be acquired by a larger pharmaceutical company to conduct the large scale clinical trials. These two technologies are going to change the game!